Miss Blueberry Festival 2023
Bostwick Blueberry Festival
Join our facebook page and message me for more information.

Join us as we started the new trend during Covid of being live with our vendors so those that can not be with us can join us and still participate in our festival and purchase all the wonderful things they have to offer.
Contact Us
US Mail mailing address:
Bostwick Blueberry Festival c/o BCAI
PO Box 245
Bostwick, FL 32007
Committee Chairs
Festival Chair - Christy Null bostwickblueberryfestival@gmail.com
Vendors: Christy, Mike Null, David Burch
phone: 904-591-9020, 904-703-0810
(Craft, Food, Not-for-Profit, Political Candidate)
Sponsors & Publicity - Linda Bazar (howbazar@bellsouth.net)
Entertainment - Billy Carter - bostwickblueberryfestival,com
Baking Cook-Off
Bobby Watson (bostwickleader@yahoo.com)
Bostwick Blueberry Queen/King
Christy Makins-Null (bostwickblueberryfestival@gmail.com)
Other Contacts
Blueberry Cafe - Dawn Rawls
Blueberry Pancake Breakfast - Sharon Finch
Blueberry Ice Cream - Betsy Reiney
T-Shirts, Mugs, Recipe Books, Blueberry Festival Souvenirs - Jennifer Kelly
Used-Book Sale - Bostwick Library (386) 326-2750
Website - Christy Null